

Palmyra/Food Lion Plaza



Your First Visit

Patient Forms

Upon entering our office, our receptionist will welcome you as a member of our family. We will request that you complete our patient forms located in the New Patient Center. This paperwork provides us with your health history and information on your condition.


Next, you will have a consultation with Dr. Lauterbach to discuss your health-related problems, concerns, and potential treatment options. This initial visit is designed for Dr. Lauterbach to learn more about you, your condition, and expectations to determine how chiropractic care can meet your goals.


After your consultation, Dr. Lauterbach will perform a complete chiropractic examination testing your reflexes and flexibility. Other standard neurological, orthopedic, postural, and physical tests will be performed as well. However, nothing will be done in our office without your consent.

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Computerized Surface EMG

We have invested in non-invasive State of the art technology that will Objectively help us...

  • Detect areas of Nerve Disturbance or interference
  • Document and monitor your results and progress
  • Deliver the appropriate Chiropractic Care

Four important factors to consider before the tests are administered:

  • Do the Insight Millennium tests hurt? Absolutely not. There are no needles, electric shock, or heat whatsoever. They are receiving important information from your Nervous System.
  • Why does the Chiropractor administer these tests? Our purpose is to detect and pinpoint abnormal nervous system function that is not seen on X-ray's or MRI's. These disturbances lead to subluxations and the Insight helps to locate areas of spinal dysfunction. The 3 tests used in my office are 1) SEMG- which measures muscle activity and the amount of electric current present, which looks at the motor system. 2) Thermography-measures skin temperature differences in the spine which measures the autonomic nervous system of the body. 3)Pulse Wave Profiler- measures heart rated variability, skin conductance, and pulse rate.
  • Why is it important to monitor the results? As a Chiropractor I want the best results for my patients Health and Wellness. Periodic progress exams help us to determine how your nervous system is responding to Chiropractic care. The advanced technology allows us to look at function and not necessarily focus on symptoms.
  • How will this test benefit me? For years a major concern of the public has been "why do I have to keep coming in if I am pain free?" or "how do I know if i am getting the proper adjustments?" Now you are able to actually see the changes, (see below for examples of a comparison of initial scans vs. re-scans) and it will be easier to understand the amount and type of care you are receiving. Because of this technology, we can provide a tailor-made program to meet your specific needs.
  • In most cases X-rays or M.R.I.'s may have been performed elsewhere, we will help in the process of obtaining these for Dr. Lauterbach to review. If new X-rays are necessary we can quickly obtain them through Martha Jefferson Out-Patient Services.

Report of Findings: Second Visit

Once the information is collected and examinations are performed, Dr. Edward Lauterbach will give you a detailed report of all findings and answer any questions including:

  1. How can you help me?
  2. How often do I need to come in?
  3. What will my treatment cost?

After reviewing your health history, goals, and examining your spine and SEMG reports., Dr. Lauterbach will discuss recommendations and notify you if your condition requires care with other providers. Dr. Lauterbach will provide the best treatment and wellness program for your needs.


Our Technique is known as Traditional Chiropractic (Diversified Adjusting) We Are gentle yet effective, never forcing or thrusting to hard. Years of experience and thousands of Chiropractic adjustments will assure you that you are in good hands with Dr. Lauterbach. Our office also utilizes Physical therapy modalities such as Interferrential Muscle Stim, Ultrasound Therapy, Heat, Trigger Point Therapy, Acupuncture, Massage and more! No other office comes close to what we offer in one location.

Wellness Program

After Completion of your initial teratment program, the doctor will suggest a wellness program to incorporate outside of treatment. If you are in pain when you first come into our office this may include: ice or heat application instructions, certain activities or positions to avoid, and at home exercises and/or stretches. If you desire, our wellness team will work with you also to create healthy habits and routines for your lifestyle. Every person is unique, therefore everyone requires a customized wellness plan. The purpose of our wellness program is for you to achieve good spinal alignment, have a healthy diet, exercise, and maintain a positive mental state.

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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


7:30 am-12:00 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:30 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm

2:30 pm-6:30 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm


9:00 am-11:00 am

